Bill Robertson - AJAX/Javascript : North Dallas .NET Users Group - NDDNUG

Bill Robertson - AJAX/Javascript

Session Summary

For our August, 2008 meeting, we were psyched to welcome back Bill Robertson who presented a code-heavy session about JavaScript, ASP.NET AJAX, and integration with .net!

Javascript…the language of "I hope this works". This session was a deep dive into javascript patterns and techniques. We covered the a variation of the MS Ajax object pattern with real world examples including inheritance. We saw alternatives to the horribly slow UpdatePanel, and tips for debugging javascript applications. The goal of this session was for you to become the guy people wander the halls at work seeking to ask the "how do I do this" questions.

Speaker Bio


Bill Robertson
Bill started his career with c++ and the Win32 API. He studied mathematics and philosophy at the University of Arlington. After the release of .net 1.1 he transitioned the unmanaged world to the managed world with ASP.NET and hasn't regretted it. He believes it is the responsibility of developers to keep the luddites at bay, by constantly refining skills to create the best possible software and user experience. He currently works in New York as the VP of Development for .