Eric Sowell - ASP.NET MVC : North Dallas .NET Users Group - NDDNUG

Eric Sowell - ASP.NET MVC

Session Summary

Presented 3 June 2009 - this was a look at how the newly released ASP.NET MVC framework could be used to build dynamic websites on the .NET platform. Topics included the Model-View-Controller pattern, how that works with ASP.NET MVC, how MVC compares to Webforms, how to build forms and grids, jQuery and MVC, ASP.NET Ajax with MVC and more.

For more information, please check out the following:

  • - Microsoft’s official home page for ASP.NET MVC
  • - The online home of the downloadable source of ASP.NET MVC and other ASP.NET related projects
  • - A great sample app with a link to a 185 page pdf walkthrough
  • - My tutorial site on ASP.NET MVC

Speaker Bio

Shannon Davidson Eric Sowell is an avid .NET developer who gets into as many technologies as he can though with a focus on ASP.NET. He is a Senior Application Engineer at on the international platform and enjoys writing code which serves up Html millions of times on a daily basis. Eric is the father of three children and the husband of one wife. He has no pets but does want fish. When not being a geek or hanging with the family, he enjoys reading, writing and doing research primarily in the realms of ancient Greek, biblical studies and early Christianity.


    You can find Eric online in the following places: